Aaron Bunch Journalist with Australian Associated Press | Collection of published work | + 61 484 008 119 | abunch@aap.com.au

Aaron Bunch
Archive for November 6th, 2019
Iraq shooting wound worried staff

An inquest into the death of a former soldier at the Australian embassy in Iraq has heard concerns were raised about the suicide after the autopsy. November 6, 2019 Security contractors raised concerns about a colleague’s “left-handed suicide” during a drinking session at the Australian embassy in Iraq but were told to keep quiet, an inquest has […]

DFAT staffer was on drugs, inquest hears

An inquest into the death of a former soldier at the Australian embassy in Iraq has heard a colleague who was with him was self-medicating with hard drugs. November 6, 2019 A former commando who saw a colleague shoot himself in the head after a drinking session at the Australian embassy in Iraq was self-medicating […]

Witness to ex-soldier’s death a ‘loose canon’

An inquest into the death of a former soldier at the Australian embassy in Iraq has heard a man in the room when he died was a ‘loose cannon’. November 6, 2019 A former commando who saw a colleague shoot himself in the head after a drinking session at the Australian embassy in Iraq was […]

DFAT staffer was warned after Iraq death

An inquest into the death of a former soldier at the Australian embassy in Iraq has heard a man in the room when he died was a ‘loose cannon’. November 6, 2019 A former commando who witnessed a colleague shoot himself in the head following a drinking session at the Australian embassy in Iraq was […]

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